Needing to know the relative size of these elements in biochemical systems often comes up in my research, so I've decided to write them.

Component Size [nm] Reference
Gold Nanoparticle ~20 Can vary, most common is 20. Frens (1973)
Iron Oxide Nanoparticle 5-15 Can be much larger with emulsion methods. This size is most common when magentic properties are desired. Called partial reduction coprecipitation method.
Antibody 15.5 x 11 PDB: 1igt measured in VMD
Human Serum Albumin 7.6 x 7 PDB: 1e7i measured in VMD
10 Amino Acid Peptide ~1.5 (coiled globule sphere) Paper I wrote on Peptide Conformations
Salicylic Acid (drug) 0.6 x 0.5 PubChem structure measured in VMD
This is great! Thank you for posting this. I am going to try making my own mock up in blender for some other Nano particles we are working with!